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Suan Sunandha Security Guard Signing a Memorandum of Understanding between Suan Sunandha Police Station and Nongkhai Vocational College

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2022-10-03 14:21:06

Suan Sunandha Security Guard Signing a Memorandum of Understanding between Suan Sunandha Police Station and Nongkhai Vocational College

Friday, September 16, 2022, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Udon Thani Provincial Education Center Organize the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University with Nongkhai Vocational College at the meeting room at Mechai Nongkhai Vocational College

by Assistant Professor Dr. Pattarawit Yuwattana, Director of the Udon Thani Provincial Education Center. along with Mr. Chaikon Chandrasri, Director of Nongkhai Vocational College is a signatory to sign the Memorandum of Understanding The management team, faculty members, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Udon Thani Provincial Education Center and Nongkhai Vocational College witness the signing

The purpose of organizing the signing ceremony of this Memorandum of Understanding It is the importance of integrating teaching and learning management as well as student training. and develop curriculum so that learners can develop a quality body of knowledge can be used to the maximum benefit Therefore, there is a push to create academic cooperation in order to create opportunities for further education at the higher education level. Develop graduates to have professional expertise The main objectives are as follows.

1. For cooperation in teaching and learning in the form of 4 years 2 qualification

2. For the development of educational personnel in an integrated form

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