Home > News > News > Congratulations to Mr. Suphanat Daengchatri, student of Political Science. Passed to the second round (last 10 people) in the Udon Thani people's favorite Thai country song singing contest for the year 2023.
Congratulations to Mr. Suphanat Daengchatri, student of Political Science. Passed to the second round (last 10 people) in the Udon Thani people's favorite Thai country song singing contest for the year 2023.

ผู้ดูแลเว็บ ศูนย์ให้การศึกษาจังหวัดอุดรธานี
2023-12-07 14:45:26

to Mr. Suphanat Daengchatri, student of
Political Science. Passed to the second
round (last 10 people) in the Udon Thani
people's favorite Thai country song
singing contest for the year

อาจเป็นรูปภาพของ 1 คน, กำลังยิ้ม
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